Mary Gray

Mary Gray

professor of mathematics and statistics

Area of Expertise:
Statistics, ethics, computer science, computer law, mathematics, international and single-sex education, discrimination (esp gender based), academic freedom, reproductive choice, women's voting behavior, economic equity, affirmative action, human rights
Additional Information:
Gray has served as international treasurer of Amnesty International USA. She was responsible for the finances of the 1.2 million-member worldwide organization, in which she has been involved for more than 25 years. As a lawyer and statistician, she furthers her commitment to human rights, including civil rights and women’s rights, in researching issues such as affirmative action, discrimination, clinical trials, ethical concerns in statistics, and single-sex education. Gray has also been involved in projects on human rights, statistics capacity building, and education in Iraq. She also has expertise in the areas of math education and computer science and law, and serves as a visiting professor at King's College School of Medicine in London. Gray is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and was a Fulbright Scholar in Germany. She has authored more than 80 articles and has given countless presentations on her areas of specialty, including testifying before Congress on income tax reform, affirmative action, pay equity, and women in science. In 2001, she was the recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring. Gray, a member of the American Bar Association, is writing a book about computer law.
Foreign Language Fluency:
Academic Credentials:
PhD, University of Kansas; JD, American University Washington College of Law
Abortion, Education-Higher Education, Education-K-12 Education, Gender and Sex-Sexual Discrimination and Harassment, Human Rights, Middle East-Arab World Issues, Politics-Women in Politics, Race Relations, Science and Mathematics-Mathematics and Statistic