You are here: American University President Announcements August 10, 2021

AU Memo Letterhead

Dear AU Faculty and Staff,

As we prepare for the fall semester and the return to in-person activities, the concept of community is at the top of my mind. It is part of our DNA at AU, it has sustained us through the pandemic, and it will be central to our success this semester. One of the first moments of community building is Move-In, and today I am asking for your help and support for our students.

More than 4,000 students will be moving onto campus between Sunday, August 22, and Friday, August 27. It’s an AU tradition for staff and faculty to volunteer during Move-In, and this year, we need your participation more than ever. There are many ways you can help, such as greeting new and returning Eagles and their families, directing them to check-in locations, and helping move their belongings into their residence hall rooms.

To be part of this campus tradition, please complete the . Once you sign up, you’ll receive additional instructions for our virtual training and the commemorative Move-In t-shirt! All faculty and staff volunteers will receive free on-campus parking on the days they participate. Volunteers should work with their managers for the days they plan to help to avoid disruptions to work schedules. Volunteers do not need to take leave to participate. Please email Paul Calhoun,, or Jamie Wyatt,, if you have any questions,

Thank you for your support and commitment to our wonderful students. It will be such a boost to have them back on campus, and you can be part of welcoming them and getting their semester off to a great start! I look forward to seeing many of you too!

