Contact Us

Jamie Wyatt
Director, Honors and Scholars Programs

Summer Scholars and Artists Program 4400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016 United States

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Application Requirements

Applicants must be a rising junior or senior and have a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA. In addition, applicants must have earned at least 60 credits and be registered for classes in the subsequent fall semester. At the end of the registration period in April, the Office for Undergraduate Education will check to confirm that scholars are registered for Fall 2024 classes. Additionally, by submitting this application you are giving us permission to review your transcript.

Applicants must apply in two parts: fill out the online application at: 

Applicants should be prepared to include the following information:

  • Name, AU email address, AU ID number, and the name of the faculty mentor for the proposed research or artistic project
  • Title of proposed project
  • Major
  • School or College
  • Information regarding other sources of summer 2024 support if applicable
  • Preliminary budget
  • A research proposal of not more than 2000 words (not including references or appendices) detailing:
    • The proposed research question.
    • The theoretical and empirical significance for the project, with references to existing scholarly literature.
    • The proposed research methodology.
    • A brief description of relevant academic preparation (coursework, independent research, research methods training, creative work, etc.) that will enable the applicant to conduct the proposed research. Projects entailing Human Subjects Research should address the specific steps that will be taken to fulfill the Responsible Conduct of Research requirements (including, but not limited to, IRB approval).
    • Appendices (not counted as part of the 2000-word limit):
      • Bibliography of works cited.
      • Detailed timeline for proposed research.
      • Detailed budget of expected expenses for the proposed research

Any research project that might involve human subjects research must receive IRB approval prior to the start of any research activities.

Part Two: Faculty Mentor Recommendation:

Please submit a reference from the faculty mentor for the project. The letter should speak to the quality of the proposed research, to the applicant’s preparedness for conducting a methodologically sound research project, and to the advance preparations made between the applicant and the mentor for maintaining a close mentor-mentee relationship throughout the proposed research. Faculty may submit their recommendations .

Applications that are missing any of the required information will not be considered for funding.