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Photograph of Caroline Wick

Caroline Wick Practitioner In Residence WCL Faculty

Caroline Wick is a Practitioner-In-Residence and the Acting Director of the Disability Rights Law Clinic. She teaches the clinic seminar and supervises students’ representation of clients in matters implicating disability rights, including special education, access to Medicaid services, and decision-making matters. Before re-joining AUWCL, she was the Director of the Health Law Clinic at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law where she taught and supervised students’ representation of clients in Medicaid appeals. Previously, she taught in the AUWCL Disability Rights Law Clinic for three years and taught Legal Ethics. Her scholarship is informed by her case work.

Before becoming a clinician, Professor Wick was a senior attorney with Children’s Law Center (CLC) in Washington, D.C. She worked in CLC’s medical-legal partnership and was the lead on-site attorney at a community-based medical center. She represented parents and children in the areas of special education, housing conditions, public benefits, and access to healthcare, and she trained and mentored pro bono attorneys. Professor Wick also clerked for a Family Magistrate Judge in the Baltimore City Circuit Court.

Professor Wick is a member of the Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C., Bars. She is a graduate of Tulane Law School and Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. She received the 2015 Brian P. McSherry Award from the law school for showing the greatest dedication to the pro bono program.
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