
Anita McBride2024

On July 10, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride published an op-ed inon First Lady Jill Biden's influence on her husband's campaign and the role of first ladies in previous administrations, "I've Worked With First Ladies. Don't Underestimate Jill Biden's Influence on the President."

On March 1, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride published an op-ed on on the important legacies of U.S. first ladies, "First Lady Jill Biden throws big support to women's health research."


On March 17, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride published an Op Ed in the highlighting the important work of first ladies entitled, "History of first ladies can inspire future generations."


On September 2, 2021Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride published an article in detailing her experiences working in the White House on 9/11, entitled: "‘Get out now’ – inside the White House on 9/11, according to the staffers who were there."


On August 17, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBride co-authored an op-ed for with Nancy Kegan Smith and Diana B. Carlin entitled “Three first ladies who risked their lives to advance civil rights” that highlights First Ladies Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, and Michelle Obama and their leadership in the issue of racial equality.


On October 29,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBridewrote an op-ed for titled"Why Melania Trump is poised to have a great legacy as first lady."


On July 14,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBrideco-authored an op-ed withNatalie Gonnella-Plattsfor titled"How first ladies have nudged America to be better."


On September 19,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBrideco-authored an op-ed withNatalie Gonnella-Platts for titled"What First Ladies Should Do With Fashion, From Someone Who Knows."

OnMay 15,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBrideco-authored an op-ed withNatalie Gonnella-Platts for titled"A first lady's podium can be a catalyst for positive change."


OnSeptember 8,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBridewrote an op-ed for the titled "9/11 at the White House."

OnMarch 15,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBridewrote an op-ed for titled"Stand by Afghanistan's courageous women."

OnJanuary 25,Executive in Residence Anita B. McBridewrote an op-edfortitled"The world is looking for a new diplomat-in-chief and there's one woman for the job."


On May 7, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBridewrote an op-edfor titled"Afghan Fulbrighters are Part of Their Country's Treasure."


On December 22, Executive in Residence Anita B. McBridewrote an op-ed for CARE USA blogtitled "Reflection on a CARE Learning Tour to Cambodia."